Chapters of Growth

These experiences have shaped my understanding of the industry and fueled my commitment to continuous growth.

Universität zu Lübeck
Research Staff

- Present

  • Contributed 'BuntesLübeck' to the VernetzBar App, introducing an innovative game concept where players compete by digitally painting Lübeck in their team's color.
  • Managed and contributed to the administration and development of 'SaLü Home,' the Moodle instance for the university's Schülerakademie.

never final
Web Developer


  • Contributed to Reportic's development, innovating web analytics by visually displaying visitors' flows as graphs for comprehensive user interaction insights.
  • Collaborated on the development of 'Buzzword Bingo,' a dynamic conference game for Beiersdorf.
  • Developed the company's landing page, ensuring a meticulously crafted and responsive user experience (Nuxt, StrapiCMS).
  • Contributed to reportic's landing page using WebFlow.

Universität zu Lübeck
Research Assistant


  • Responsible for designing and implementing the initiative's website using Typo3 and VueJS, focusing on functionality and a user-friendly interface.
  • Executed the design and implementation of the tech.festival website, utilizing Astro and seamlessly integrating Moodle API for online sign-ups.
  • Planned and conducted various workshops for students, covering subjects such as web development, 3D modeling, and machine learning.
  • Facilitated 3D modeling workshops for educators.